I have wanted to start painting for a long time, and when my neighbor encouraged me to take an oil painting with her a month ago, I felt that this was my call. You can see my class painting on Sarah Sedwick‘s blog by clicking here. It is the second from the right, the last photo in that post.
One fortuitous thing led to another, and I jumped at the chance to take a class from local painter Carol Marine (click here to see her blog) whose breath-taking brushwork I admire.
She has published a wonderful book called Daily Painting which is full of helpful instruction.
I felt so lucky to be able to get into her class. The class was held this past week, 16 others and I had 5 days to immerse ourselves in Carol’s method of working with oils on still life subjects.
Carol has so much to share, and each day we had a lecture and painting demo.
We had assignments each day such as value studies. This is mine.
Here are a couple of fellow students work. Click on their names to go to see more of their painting.
Click to view slideshow.I loved the demos, seeing each brush stroke and watching Carol mix paint and all the colors that go into a painting. I came away with such great experiences and new knowledge. Thanks Carol!
Other projects on my desk have been crochet. I finished a small pillow that has been in my work basket for a long time. Nice to get things done!
This is crocheted in lightweight linen/cotton yarn. It is an old 50’s pillow design but done in natural instead of variegated colors. I love how it looks with my old lace spread.
I also have crocheted a patchwork vest with granny squares. Here I am working on the back, unblocked and then blocked with pins.
And here is the front. I saw a photo of this vest online and wanted the pattern to make it. Since I couldn’t find one, I made it up as I went by trial and error. So I don’t have a pattern to share for it. I am using Knitpicks yarn called Lindy Chain, which is linen. I loved crocheting with it. I will have to post a photo of me wearing it.
My new rug is moving along at a snail’s pace. But I find that these things can’t be rushed. The creative process must be honored. I feel that taking a break from rug hooking gives me a fresh perspective when I pick it up again.
This weekend my garden is calling me, so that is where I will be planting tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, and basil among other things. I hope that you all are having a wonderful Spring, and are creating your own melangé of crafty and arty things!
Thanks for stopping by ~ Karen